Our Services


Every client is different! Every fund is different!

That is why we look after each client on a completely bespoke basis.

Some funds are ready for market, and just need our help with distribution.

Others need the right preparation work to get ready for this.

Or at the other end of the scale, there are fund managers looking to exit the market.

Wherever you are on your journey, we may be able to make a critical difference. Let’s talk.

Setting Up A Fund

Setting up a Fund

There is much more to setting up a successful fund than most people think.

For example, setting up a fund in the right jurisdiction, one that is valued and appreciated by your target audience is critical to success. Most fund managers we work with understand this, but for where it is needed we have forged a strong relationship with a third party in Luxembourg, Limestone, who set up and administer SICAVs, UCITS and RAIFs cost-effectively and very efficiently.

The next step is to validate the feasibility and market interest in what you are offering. That is why we often run feasibility studies on the funds on offer. These can give the green light, or highlight that the product would be attractive if certain changes were made, or even just shut the door. Better that than wasting time and money.

The next step is to finalise the proposition so that it has the optimum chance of success with the selected target audiences. That is when we bring in our marketing expertise.

We are then ready to help you go to market.

Growing Funds

Fund Raising

Virtually all our clients want to raise more money into their investment funds, and this is a core part of our service offering.

We have a tried and tested process to help our clients attract funds.

In effect we create a funnel of interest, starting with our wider contact base, identifying where there is potential interest, and then refining that interest.

Where there genuinely seems to be a fit, we will make introductions that will hopefully lead to business. It is a very hands-on and dedicated service, that is proven to work.

We then leave the fund manager to develop that relationship, for the long-term benefit of both parties.

Buying and Selling Funds

Buying and Selling Fund Businesses

Our deep knowledge of the international fund market makes us a natural partner for companies that want to buy or sell funds.

As an example, Henwick Park was approached to find a home for a fund where the parent company decided that it wasn’t part of their investment strategy. Having scanned the market, Henwick Park found two potential buyers for the fund. After extensive negotiations, one of the buyers made a firm offer, and the fund was transferred to the new owner.

Buying and Selling IFAs

Buying and Selling IFA Businesses

We are actively helping IFAs sell their businesses through a panel of buyers we work with. The buyers are both onshore and offshore where they are actively looking to expand in the UK.

The service is very bespoke, and designed to achieve a fair price for both parties and to protect the adviser’s clients.

Special Projects

Special Projects

These can take a multitude of forms. For example:


Network Acquisition

An Australian IFA Network approached Henwick Park to help them purchase a small to medium IFA Network in the UK. Henwick Park researched the market and came up with a list of 20 prospects. Each prospect was approached and a shortlist was developed. From the shortlist one stood out and after due diligence and further conversations with the IFA Network Henwick Park introduced them to the Australian network. Henwick Park worked on the negotiations and information flow to ensure both parties were up to date and heading in the right direction. In the end, the Australian Network bought the UK IFA Network and gained over £1bn in AUM and 41 IFAs.

Feasibility Studies

Some product or fund providers are unclear whether what they want to offer is attractive to both clients and their financial advisers. We work closely with these clients to market test the proposition and find out how likely it is to succeed.

The way that we approach this is to individually question a panel of 30+ advisory firms, building up an independent picture on the appeal of the product. This can give the green light, or suggest some product tweaks, or if needs be, a fundamental change or even stopping the product launch altogether. It is far better to know at the outset rather than waste time and money later on.

Raising Corporate Finance

There are several ways in which we can help with this.

  • Raising money through EIS. Our network includes over 50 EIS managers who are looking for new ideas and companies to invest in. The art is knowing the specialisation of each fund manager and what they are looking for. Our inside track means that we can introduce you to the most likely sources of finance.
  • SME access to finance. We have a panel of providers that can finance SME companies for specific projects, including property.

Property Development

Henwick Park has a panel of property developers that can be called on to manage whole developments, including sourcing the land, dealing with planning permission, and then manage the build itself. Our skill is in finding the right developer for your project, wherever it might be in England.

We believe in finding solutions for our clients. So, whatever your project in growing your business, find out how we can help.

Henwick Park